All orders that are placed through our website are subject to the mentioned terms and conditions. By placing an order, it is understood that you have read, comprehended and agreed with our terms and conditions.


All orders are placed into the advertising que within 24 hours depending on our daily order volume. It excludes orders placed during the weekends. All weekend orders will be filled on the next business day at the latest. Due to variances in amount of clicks purchased at different times, the starting date may fluctuate, and we are in no way to be held responsible if your campaign does not start by a specific date.


All clicks will be delivered to the website address submitted with the order. In an event where there is an error with the submitted URL, the client will not hold us responsible for the error. Any clicks delivered to the client's site reflecting the above error will not be credited or entitled to a refund.


We guarantee to deliver the number of ordered clicks to the specified URL. We shall not be liable for any consequential, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or other damages arising out of the use of the traffic package.


In an event that the client's site becomes unavailable for any reason like server is, timed out, active but with internal server error and 404 errors, the client will not hold us responsible for these errors. Any clicks delivered to the client's site during this down time will not be credited or refunded. In an event that any of the above errors occur including any errors that are not listed but clearly intended, the client may submit a request to put the campaign on hold. Upon resolution of the problem, the held campaign will continue. Any clicks previously sent will not be credited or refunded.


We use a state of the art tracking system to track your ad campaign. Each order is given a unique campaign id, which is used to track clicks to your site by day and time. The client understands that if the visitor viewing the ad closes it before it finishes loading, which could be due to network bandwidth, high impact graphics, animation or lack of interest, it will count as an ad view on our system. In other words, we have sent your site to the visitor and have therefore fulfilled our obligation. It is important to note that this scenario may not appear in your website statistics.


When you purchase a click campaign, you understand and agree that the statistics system utilized by us will serve as the official record of traffic delivered. We will not be held responsible for clicks not received on your campaign page but sent from our ad server during down.
We do not allow campaign pages with any kind of popup windows, exit windows or any other kind of extra generated windows including system message windows and JavaScript alert windows, unless specified in the package description. Any additional window generated by your site shall be considered a popup window. You may not use any JavaScript to modify the window size. Your campaign page may not have any music or Java applets on the page. Attempting to use any JavaScript that change people's homepages or add your website to their favorites is prohibited. If a popup window is installed on the URL at any time, we will stop the campaign and you will not be entitled to a refund.


Client understands that click counters on their site do not accurately represent the number of visitors sent to their website. This is due to the large amounts of traffic sent to the site in a relatively short time frame. Client also understands that we do not guarantee sales or sign ups and will not issue a refund if none are achieved. We will send visitor clicks to your site, which is the only guarantee for this service.


Client acknowledges that the order is for the stated term. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time after the stated term has ended.


Client may not sell, assign or transfer any of the rights or services accompanying the purchase. Client may not have any type of pop up advertising on the web site being promoted by us unless a package was ordered for the same. Client may not change the content of the URL being advertised in any manner without prior approval by our authorized staff. Any attempt either by accident or design undermining the intention of our service terms and conditions will result in immediate account deletion with no refund or adjustments available.


In the event that there is a discrepancy between the amount of clicks delivered by us and the amount of clicks delivered to the client, the client agrees to use the report prepared by our campaign manager.


Support staff is available virtually 24 hours a day. All requests must be made via email. Client also understands that technical support may be unavailable at times when the client initiates a contact. It is our policy to respond to all emails within 24 hours.


We shall be permitted to use the client's email in connection with our marketing materials. Any promotional emails we send can be easliy opted out of using the unsubscribe link in each email.


We will not promote spam, scam, hate, pornography, warez, hacking or any other site/offer that could be considered offensive to the common viewer. Any attempt to bypass our intended guidelines will result in account cancellation and no recourse for refund.


We will not deliver clicks to a website containing content that is not appropriate for viewing by general audience. Inappropriate content when delivering traffic includes adult content, hate text, illegal content and content that encourages illegal activities or violence. What constitutes inappropriate content will be determined by the staff members of our company.


We will review your site before beginning the campaign. If your site is changed during the campaign and starts displaying inappropriate content, we will stop your campaign immediately. In this case, you will not be provided a refund on a pro-rata basis.


We cannot be held responsible for factors beyond our control that may interfere with our ability to deliver visitors to your website. Such factors include downtime on your server, overuse of your bandwidth quota, errors on your site, popup killers and network outages. Please contact your web hosting company or network provider if you are unsure about whether your hosting account is sufficient for the program you are ordering.


If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by any jurisdiction or government agency, that particular provision will be deemed modified to the extent necessary to make the provision valid and enforceable, and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.


We will not allow invasive 3rd party ad company to piggyback on our network. These include adf.ly and a few others. We will notify the client if there is a piggyback problem.


We will deliver the clicks that is ordered by our client. We will use our own tracking system to determine the quantity of clicks that is sent to the client's website. We won’t be liable if your website raw logs don’t match with our tracking statistics. Our traffic is redirected traffic and your own web stats might not show all the visitors that are redirected. We are not responsible for any improper use of our client’s program, information, links, articles or any other content available on their website.


Client acknowledges that by placing an order with us, they have read, acknowledged and fully understood all paragraphs of the mentioned terms and conditions.

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